EBF is planning on sending a team back to serve in Dallas again during the spring break of 2020 (usually first week of April)
EBF is sending a team of nine to Dallas, Texas April 1-6 to partner with our missionaries Joe and Lindsey Anderson in their ministry to share the gospel with students at school outreaches through their Young Life ministry at Jr. High and High Schools. We will be a part of and help lead 14 outreach events with Young Life during our 6 days in Dallas (we will lead games, music, share testimonies, etc.). Some of these outreaches that we lead will be Young Life 'Capernaum" clubs for kids with special needs (we will lead games, music, crafts, testimonies). We also will participate in the first ever "Young Lives" club for teen moms at Spruce High School!! Through the week we will interact with hundreds of students and school faculty. Our team needs to raise $7,000. Each person is paying a small portion of the funds and taking off work and school to go. Can EBF pray for our team and donate to send this team on this mission trip? To give a check write "Dallas Mission Trip" on the memo line or give online at https://pushpay.com/g/ebfolympia?src=hpp and select "Fund" and then select "Dallas Mission Trip 2019".