EBF Missions

Dallas Mission Trip, March 28-April 3, 2025

We partner with our EBF missionaries Joe & Lindsey Anderson in Dallas, TX and lead Young Life clubs at High Schools, Middle schools and a low income housing development.  We also lead “Capernaum” clubs for students with special needs during the school day. And this year we will be doing construction projects as well. Here is the application for the Dallas Mission Trip EBF_Short-Term_Mission_Trip_Application.docx. Fill this out and turn in to the church office or email to Shon TenKley.  If selected you will be required to raise $750 to cover the mission trip expenses (airline ticket, food, rental van, lodging, supplies).

If you have any questions contact Shon TenKley at stenkley@ebfolympia.com   


EBF Missions Conference - Feb. 2-9, 2025

Mark this week down on your calendar to be filled with encouragement, hope, and conviction

as our eyes open to this world that desperately needs Christ!

Mission Conference Schedule 2025

Tracy Halstead Child Evangelism Fellowship preaching Sunday Feb. 2, 2025

International Potluck Dinner Feb. 2, 2025 5:30pm @ EBF

Zoom Prayer Night - 5:30pm prayer with supported missionaries Feb. 3, 2025

Youth Night with Mark Shaulfler  Feb. 5, 2025 @ 6:30pm

Missionary Preacher *restricted country* Feb. 9, 2025 @ 10:00am

Here are 7 LOCAL EBF MISSIONS that you can get involved with right now!

1. EBF FON MINISTRY (Feeding Our Neighbors): 

Currently we are providing 100 lunches every 2 weeks. We gather at EBF on Friday's to pack lunches. 

Contact Jeff Armstrong at (360) 489-9271 or jeffreydean522@msn.com if you would like to get involved.


Men and women volunteers needed: Saturdays at Quince Street Village from 9:00 to 10:30 AM, 2-3 times/month. Those helping to make fresh scones start earlier (7:15 AM) at the church. Visit with the residents and staff while serving coffee, hot chocolate, scones, and other treats. Show them that we care about them, and that God cares. Group prayer at the end. Located at 1215 Quince St SE, Olympia.

Contact Tony Allen, tonyallen1957@gmail.com to get involved or if you have questions.


The Options (formerly Care Net) Pregnancy Clinic of Thurston County provides free, limited medical services, education and support to women, men and families facing pregnancy issues. You can serve in a variety of roles in this Christ-based organization.  

Contact them at 360-753-8023 or visit olyloveslife.org.


This Christian organization in downtown Olympia has a variety of helps ministries to the poor that use volunteers. 

Check out the many volunteer opportunities at www.ougm.org/volunteer.


Young Life is always recruiting adults who want to invest in the teens in our area. There are volunteers needed at Tumwater, Lacey, and Olympia Schools. There are also ways to help behind the scenes with office support and donating supplies and snacks. 

To learn more, contact the Young Life office at greaterolympiayl@gmail.com.


Help is needed every Sunday starting around 1:30pm (packing lunches) to 3:30-5:30pm (handing out lunches and personal care products), to serve and feed "the least of these" brothers and sisters in downtown Olympia.  

Contact John Fesenbek at 360-489-5210 for more information, or just show up!


There are numerous ways you can be involved in the Thurston County CEF ministry.  Serve in Good News Club, a weekly club during the school year that takes place in public schools across Thurston County.  During the summer CEF runs summer 5-Day Club outreaches which take place over the course of a five day period, offering a unique opportunity for children to interact with teenagers who receive training in the Christian Youth In Action program.  

Contact Belinda Lau at 808-372-1777 or belindalau@cefofwa.com

Updated 12/24

EBF Supported Missionaries

The Anderson's (InFaith)

Joe, Lindsey, Jacey, Landon, Luke, Addelyn -

Joe & Lindsey Anderson direct Kids for Christ, Teens for Christ, Homemakers for Christ and serve with Young Life in under-resourced urban communities in Dallas.  Joe and Lindsey also serve as InFaith area coordinators for the state of Texas.  The Anderson's have been supported by EBF for almost 15 years.

During three spring breaks (2017-2019) EBF has sent a team to serve with the Anderson's ministry team in Dallas leading Young Life clubs at High Schools and Middle Schools!!  

The Allen's (Navigators)

Don, Kathy -

EBF has supported Don and Kathy for over 40 years in their ministry to college students in Southern California.  Every Navigator's passion is to help others "to know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same.  Through small-group Bible studies and Life to Life discipleship, we come alongside people and teach them to be Christ's followers as they study and apply the Word of God to chart their lives.  Then we train them to pass what they have learned on to others.  Don and Kathy primarily serve at Cal State Long Beach but also are involved regionally with other campus leaders and ministries.

The Wolden's (Shiloh Military Ministries)

Jason, Cindy, Josiah, Lael, Adah -

The Wolden's serve with Shiloh Military Ministries at Fort Cavazos, Texas.  They are dependent on your prayers and support to help sustain this disciple making ministry.  Their aim is to use the platform of their home to see our Active Duty and their families know the Lord, grow in the Lord, and help others repeat that process.  

The Wolden's are a part of a team of missionaries who seek to reach and disciple active duty military soldiers.  Jason's primarily role is men's discipleship.  He meets with soldiers and spouses throughout the week for Bible studies, counseling, mentoring, discipleship and accountability.  They are also involved with the Soldiers Hospitality House which is led by a Cadence Military ministry couple.  Jason and Cindy met and fell in love while attending EBF!! 

Greater Olympia Young Life

This is from Young Life staff and EBF member Felicia VanLierop...."This picture was taken at our semi-annual all-area High School club.  Some of the leaders are upfront leading in fun Christmas songs, and other leaders are in the crowd singing with kids.  Young Life is all about building trusting relationships with kids, and earning the right to share the gospel.  All 87 of our leaders go out into a world of kids, first by loving them and meeting them where they are at and then pointing them to the trust of Jesus.  Club is our outreach event where we cater the things we do to the "farthest out kid" (which means kids with zero church experience), so we play music they know and play funny games to break down walls.  Then the highlight of our night is when we share a 15 minute message on the gospel.  Over 170 students came and heard the truth of Jesus!"

Joel & Baily Easling (AWANA)

Joel & Baily have a great heart for the AWANA ministry as they both were involved in it since they were 5 years old.  They became Christians as a direct result of AWANA & they met at an AWANA camp! They were married in 2013 and now have 3 children.  As Awana missionaries for the SW Washington region since 2019, they are honored to partner with and serve to reach kids and train leaders in order to continue to change our world for Christ.  You can find out more about Joel and Baily at https://www.awana.org/missionary/easling/.

Options Pregnancy Clinic

Since 1985, Options (formerly Care Net) has been serving the Thurston county area.  We are a pregnancy medical clinic, located on Lilly Rd. in Olympia.  We offer all our services AT NO CHARGE, due to the generosity of individuals, churches and businesses.  


-24/7 helpline

-Pregnancy testing

-First trimester ultrasound

-Pregnancy options information

-Limited STD testing and treatment

-Community referrals

-Baby Boutique for baby supplies

-Parenting education

-Much more!

Visit our website for more information:  www.olyloveslife.org

The Halstead's (CEF)

Tracy, Leng, Timothy and Samuel -

We have been serving with Child Evangelism since Sept 1993. Our mission is to evangelize children, disciple them and establish them in a local church. We focus on unchurched children : through our After School Good News Clubs during the school year and 5-Day Clubs, Day Camps and Fair Ministry during the summer.

We also train and equip our volunteers ( adults and teens ) through Teaching Children Effectively (TCE level 1 & 2 ) programs, Super Saturday Seminars and Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) training camp with our teens.

We partner with local churches in all of these efforts. We also want to bless the local churches with training their children ministry workers as per their requests.

Our approach to financing the ministry: Ask GOD and tell His people.

Our key to “success” : PRAY PRAY PRAY! Thank you Emmanuel Bible Fellowship for your faithful and generous support since 1993!

The Logins (Josiah Venture)

Raimonds, Marta, Amēlija, Naomija, and Matilda -

We are the Logins family living in Riga, the capital of Latvia. We are (Raimonds), and my beautiful and wise wife (Marta) and we have been married for eight years. God has blessed us with three beautiful princess - Amēlija, Naomija, and Matilda. We think of ourselves as a creative family. Marta loves everything about photography but mostly pictures of people. The way she looks at people through a camera lens is beautiful. You can see some of the pictures on our family blog at http://musulapa.lv. Raimonds loves creative things as well as he used to work as a web designer. Raimonds is passionate about sports such as volleyball, soccer, CrossFit, and boxing.

In 2013 God called us to full-time ministry. It was a challenging decision, but when you know that God is calling you, the smartest thing to do is to respond to His calling. We work along with Josiah Venture (www.josiahventure.com). The vision is to see a movement of God amongst the youth in Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society. The main role for every missionary is to make disciples who make disciples. This is what we focus on. But there are different tools we try to provide for churches such as Fusion projects, summer camps, leadership training, and now Edge Sports. Our role before was to lead leadership training. We did that for three years. Now we are on a new journey, so, with God’s help, we are starting this new project called Edge Sports Latvija. The goal is to reach young men and women through sports. Marta’s role is huge in this ministry even as she spends most of her time with the girls and managing a TON of things at home. We are together in this, and the dream is that our girls will also become involved in this mission. Our present goal and prayer is that they will know Jesus personally at a young age.

Thank you for being with us in this calling. Thank you for loving Latvia.  

EBF has sent 3 missions teams to Latvia to lead English camps in the last 5 summers.

The Sanchez's (Mission's Door)

Eric, Yoamy, Ruth, and David - 

The Sanchez Family works with Mission's Door with a focus on planting churches among the Lenca Indians of Honduras.  About two decades ago God called us to an area in  western Honduras with almost no Christian churches. This is an area where the indigenous Lenca's live and were in need of hearing the gospel of Christ. Our goal has been to plant churches and develop local leaders in each community. Yoamy, in addition to doing an extraordinary job making sure that everything is working well at home, sometimes, with the children, travels with me to the communities scattered throughout the nearby mountains.  She has approached the Lenca women to share the gospel and create a network of Bible studies with themes of encouragement for their lives. David and Ruth are incorporated helping in different ways, especially in singing and helping to give Bible stories to other children. There are now thirty-two places where the Bible is being preached in homes and in small buildings built for this purpose. The goal is that each Lenca village has a place of testimony for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  EBF has sent 4 mission teams to build churches in Honduras in the last 15 years. 

CRU (Campus crusade) Jesus Film

For the last 10 years EBF has partnered with the CRU Jesus Film Project to translate the Jesus Film into numerous different languages!!! The goal of Jesus Film Project is to see that every person on earth has a chance to hear the transforming story of Jesus in their heart language and given the opportunity to respond and grow in that relationship.


Jesus film Project works within the body of Christ, contributing to the fulfillment of the Great Commission in three key missional areas:  Translation, Saturation and Innovation.


TRANSLATION:  Language production is the heart and soul of Jesus Film Project®. It is our objective to complete a new language version of the classic JESUS for every language group larger than 50,000 speakers.  We also produce companion products like The Story of Jesus for Children and Magdalena.  With an added emphasis on follow-through evangelism, we also produce various films which create new opportunities to proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ to specific audiences.


SATURATION:  Five million churches to reach five billion people!  Relying on God, Cru and over 1,500 partner denominations and ministries we hope to establish one church for every 1,000 people on earth by 2025.  Jesus Film and the Global Church Movements (GCM) division of Campus Crusade for Christ® have united around this goal.  We’ve created a package that includes JESUS film languages, needed equipment, training and supervision to enable a team to start 10 churches or church extensions in four years and provide continuous evangelism for these communities. Jesus Film Project provided 3,000 sets of equipment to partner teams in 2018.


INNOVATION:  The world's unreached have skyrocketing access to mobile phones; people all over the earth have instant access to media and are connected like never before in history. This reality presents an incredible opportunity for Jesus Film Project® to leverage its existing library of content through digital distribution over the Internet, accelerating evangelism, discipleship, and church-planting efforts around the globe. The Jesus Film® app is an award-winning, must-have tool in the global missions’ community.  

The Rodriguez's (Hands Giving Hope)

Marvin, Cristina -

The Rodriguez's have been ministering in Honduras for over 20 years.  They named their ministries Emmanuel Ministries because EBF was the only church out of 3,000 churches they sent a letter to that supported them.  They have been active in planting churches amongst the Lenca Indians.  They also have been active in creating and leading a ministry to feed 700 needy kids in a few of the local schools.  EBF has been big supporters of this feeding ministry over the last 4 years.  In Marvin & Cristina's own words..."We have a team of pastors, leaders, teachers, cookers that are serving and doing a hard work in their own villages and beyond, we thank God for them, we can’t do it without them. They hold services in their places, like 3 times a week, they visit homes, evangelize, baptize, disciple, preach, have a monthly meeting and training beside the work most of them do at the fields to support their families. We want to infinitely thank all the spiritual and financial support that EBF has given us for more than 20 years. Our commitment to serve the Lord in rural missions would not be possible without that support. Thank you very, very much EBF family!!!"

Julie Engeman (Overland Missions)

Julie joined Overland Mission in 2012, officially moving from Zambia to DRC (Congo) in 2018. As a midwife, dedicated to the gospel’s influence on all of life, she teaches classes in which medical professionals receive training, equipment, and confidence to save lives, significantly impacting the infant mortality rate. In 2020, 159 healthcare providers from 32 clinics increased their capacity with this incredible educational tool. Julie has been helping lead the way to developing a new work with a new team in Congo. She is actively involved in church ministry, visitation, teaching medical classes, leading outreaches and developing leaders.