Small Groups

Why Small Groups?

We believe the number one goal and purpose of the church is to fulfill the great commission (Matt. 28:18-20).  Jesus was very clear when he said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."  Our goal for small groups is just that...that our groups would be an encouraging, loving place where members of the body gather to be discipled and learn to disciple.   

During the year we have 2 cycles of small groups that last for 14-16 weeks.  Sign-ups will begin each August/Sept. and our Fall small groups run from September-December.  Then in January we have new small group sign-ups for our February-May season.  This way we always have new groups forming 2 times a year and allow multiple opportunities for people to get in a group.  If a group meets in the fall and wants to continue meeting in the winter/spring season then that group can sign up to continue meeting together for the next season of groups.  We don't offer small groups during the summer.
  If you are interested please contact Russ & Judy McMillan if you have any questions about small groups or want to apply to be a small group leader.

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