Emmanuel Bible Fellowship

Our Vision

To be a Christ-centered community, making disciples and loving people.

Our Beliefs

The following statements constitute the doctrine of Emmanuel.

As you consider Emmanuel as your church home and contemplate church membership,

it is essential that you understand what we believe.

Who is God?

God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present creator of the universe. The one true God revels himself to man through three persons that we refer to as The Trinity. These three persons are God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. (more)

God the Father

The first person of The Trinity. He is our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and Lord.


The second person of The Trinity is Jesus Christ, God the Son. He is fully God and fully man. He was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the price for our sins and rose from the grave, securing our salvation. (more)

The Holy Spirit

The third person of The Trinity is The Holy Spirit. This is God’s spirit who dwells within the believer. He comforts, guides and convicts us of sin. (more)

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Infallible Word. The 66 books of the Old and New Testament are God’s written Word to man. The Bible teaches that all scripture is “God Breathed”. (more)


The Bible teaches that man is created in God’s image. But because of Adam’s sin, mankind fell, inherited a sinful nature and became separated from God. There is no way mankind can return to the presence of God through our own efforts, so we are in need of a Savior. (more)


The Bible teaches that we are separated from God because of sin, both in our actions and in our very nature. And, because of our sin, we deserve eternal condemnation and punishment.

The Bible also teaches that God sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins. And by believing that Jesus died, was buried and raised back to life for our sins, we can have the penalty for our sin forgiven so we can experience eternal life.

This is the free gift of God that can’t be earned or bought, but is freely given to those who believe. (more)

Christian Obedience

We believe in living in obedience to God's word, not to earn God's favor or reward, we follow God’s teaching out of love, gratitude, respect and the fear of the Lord. (more)

The Second Coming

We believe Jesus will physically return to earth to set up His kingdom as a new heaven and a new earth. Knowing that this could happen at any moment, the believer should live each day expecting Christ’s return. (more)

Human Destiny

The Bible teaches that, at death, believers are ushered into the presence of Christ and unbelievers are eternally separated from God. We also believe in the physical resurrection of the dead at the second coming. Believers will be resurrected to glory and unbelievers to condemnation (more)

The Church

The Church is a body made up of believers in Jesus Christ and He is the head. Through the Church we experience community, fellowship, worship, teaching, admonition, evangelizing and sharing of our spiritual gifts. (more)


We believe the ordinances for the believer are water baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper as a memorial to Christ's death. They are, however, not to be regarded as a means of salvation but both are evidence of obedience and fellowship with the Lord. (more)


The Bible teaches that marriage is a permanent, life-long, God-ordained, and sexually exclusive covenant between one man and one woman. The Bible also teaches that God hates divorce and that any sexual intimacy outside of marriage is sin. (more)


The Bible teaches that, homosexual relationships, as well as other LGBTQ+ lifestyles, are sinful and oppose God’s creative design for life. (See our full LGBTQ+ statement)